Things that 2016 taught me.
2016 was tough, but you survived. So what did we learn this year?

I Feel Ordinary
Every now and again a song is released which hits you right in the gut.

Empty Cup.
You can't pour from an empty cup.

How long must I try 'til you learn that dreaming's hard?
July 22nd Regina Spektor, one of my favourite artists, released her new song, titled “Bleeding Heart”. It’s the first song to be released from her new Album ...

Being Human
Humans are bizarre. Frankly, I could leave the post there, but I’m not sure how I feel about being so cryptic, at least not today. Usually I’m so happy post...

Inner Voice
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” ~ Steve Jobs

Moving to GitHub pages
As I look forward in 2016 I have tried to make a very clear decision that I will begin to write more. Having been through quite a few blocking platforms I ha...

The AkamaiOPEN-edgegrid-node Project Is Now Official!
After a lot of excitement last month, the Akamai OPEN API library I created for node, with many pull requests and open issues has been given to Akamai to con...

Adventures New.
As my last blog mentioned, last week I closed up shop at Burberry after a heart-warming farewell and the most wonderful send off, and today I am excited to t...

'Feel the fear and do it anyway' [1]
I’ve written this post time, and time again over the years. Write, re-write, and never felt it was finished. Oh well, here goes nothing.

Akamai {OPEN} API Node.js EdgeGrid Client
Today I published version 1.0.0 of the Akamai {OPEN} EdgeGrid Node.js EdgeGrid client that follows their (comprehensive…) authentication scheme to help Node....

Prerender.io Redis Caching Plugin
Following on from my Prerender post here and a suggestion from Todd at the prerender team, I went ahead and made a prerender plugin which uses Redis for cach...

Prerender.io - the Highs and Lows
So you’re writing a killer single page application - everything’s going well so far and you’re thinking about the many ways in which this application will ch...